Hello sweet friends,
This is a post for all of the young readers of Pie Crust and Pixie Dust. No grown-ups allowed! 😉
This week I wanted to write a post about my very special secret ingredient. This is the one ingredient that I’ve put in every recipe I’ve ever baked, and no matter how the recipe looks in the end, I am always proud of how it turns out. Seriously. Even when the cake tilts sideways or the cupcakes get turned upside down in the box, I am always super-duper 100% a-okay with what I bake. Want to know what the ingredient is?
It’s pickled egg juice.
Just kidding. It’s not pickled egg juice…. It’s Donkey bacon! Okay, okay, it’s not that either. Any guesses? I promise I will share what the “secret sauce” is in a second, I just have to tell you this first…
Wherever I go, I bring a pinch and a dash of this special ingredient with me because it makes everything so much better. My friends totally agree. They have tried this seasoning too, and absolutely love how it transforms something awful into something incredible. Let me list out just a few things this ingredient can do:
- Makes salty things a little bit sweeter
- Makes cold things warm
- Brings people from all different places together
- Brings people from all different races together
- Heals the heart
- Nurtures the sick
- Rids bitter flavors
- Calms fears
- Heals boo-boos
- Turns sourness into sweetness
- Satisfies the soul
- Induces giggles
- Comforts and fulfills
Ready to find out the secret? Of course, the most important ingredient in any recipe, is love.
Listen up, little friends. No matter what you bake, what you create, where you go, or who you’re with, never forget to sprinkle a little love into everything you do. I promise, you will always be happy with how things turn out; I promise you will always be proud of who you are, and I promise you will always leave the things around you a little sweeter than how you found them.
Happy baking.

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