Hello friends,
Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, and sadly, it is the least of my priorities. It feels terrible to say that, because as you know, I LOVE celebrating every little thing to the max! Let me explain….
Our family has been dealing with some big challenges over the last week. Bullying, self-esteem issues, hormonal changes, and missed homework assignments have been some of the hurdles that we’ve been facing around here. Truthfully, I kind of feel like taking a knee on mommy-hood for a minute or two, just to collect myself. You guys, I had to get the school guidance counselor to come out to my car to help encourage one of my children to just go into the school this week. Whew. We’ll get through this!
Needless to say, until today I really hadn’t done much Valentine’s Day prep at all. In fact, today I went to Target, and the seasonal section looked like a FEMA response zone. While I was hoping for some snazzy cards and fun goodies, all I saw were a few other moms with the same stressed out stare in their eyes, and a bunch of bags of coffee-flavored Ferrero Rocher balls. Those aren’t going to fly at the pre-school!
The one Valentine’s activity that we did do however, was bake our easiest cut-out cookie recipe ever, CHECK IT OUT HERE. We have perfected this recipe to make it simple, quick, and delicious. No fuss, very little mess, and the cookies hold their shapes very well. Once the cookies were baked, I gave all the decorations to the kids and snuck away to catch an episode of Doctor Foster on Netflix, (might as well have been sitting on the beach if Fiji). Oh, and incase your were wondering about the mess, I always have my kids decorate on cookie sheets so I can pour (most of) the mess right into the trash. Woohoo! In the end, I think the little ones did a super fancy job decorating the cookies. Perfectly imperfect is definitely our vibe!
And as I sit here tonight, knowing full-and-well that tomorrow could be a little messy and sparse, part of me thinks this may be the best Valentine’s Day, yet. Given all of the challenges we’ve faced this week, I really can’t think of a better time to remind my children that no matter what happens in their sweet little lives, they are truly loved more than they could ever know.
We hope your Valentine’s Day is full of love and sweetness.
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